Two Under 2

2U2......DH's feelings

I got a BFP tonight:) 

I'm really nervous to tell DH about this unplanned 2U2....

Miscarriage 10/25/2009 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: 2U2......DH's feelings

  • Congrats!

    What makes you nervous? Do you think he'll take awhile to warm up to the idea?

  • Our 2nd child was somewhat unplanned.   I wasn't on BC and we both knew that. 

    I made a shirt for my DD that said I am going to be a big sister and he came home and saw it.

    He knew something was going on because I wasn't feeling 100%.  He took it pretty good.

    7 weeks later at almost 12 weeks I found out it was twins.  I went to that doctor appointment by myself and he stayed home to take care of my DD.

    It was a friday and when I got home I didn't know how to tell him so I showed him the U/S that clearly showed 2 little babies.

    He didn't talk to me the entire weekend!

    He was just in complete shock.  Of course so was I.

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  • I was a bit worried about that as well. We wen't officially trying until Feb/March, but he warmed up to it relatively quickly. It was our first month off bc, but we thought #2 would take a while, since I wasn't on BC for 12 months before BFP w/ DS.
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