Special Needs

Chris' eye appoitment today

Chris has abnormal eye cup pallor as well as everything else. We were told this was a product of being a premiee by CHOP's eye doctors last year after we were told to go on a 2nd opinion by stupid neurologist lady.

The eye doctor we saw today, our usual one for the kids said something else and I tend to believe her. She said if it were a product of being a premiee he would have had to be born at an earlier gestation, more like micro-premiee and he was not. He was born at 35 weeks.

Her thought is that since there were other things shown on the MRI, including the delayed mylenation, something went wrong while in utero when his brain and subsequent eyes were being developed that went wrong. She urged us to go to a developemntal ped if we weren't already (we are). She feels that sometime down the line he will need glasses but he was seeing well today.

We are to follow up with her once a year and she wants to map his eyes to keep track of the eye nerves. She also said that there were no cysts or tumors on his brain or eye nerves and a lot of the times there are so we will need to keep an eye on it.  This is kinda scary......

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