High-Risk Pregnancy

Protein in Urine at 8 weeks

anyone else? What was your dx?

I had PIH with DD and was induced at 38wks (b/p 165/110). Really trying to stay relaxed and eat healthy, but this is not a good sign...


Re: Protein in Urine at 8 weeks

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    Did you do a 24 hour urine, or was this just dipstick? If it's not 24h, it might not mean anything.

    I had high bp in my first tri, and did my first 24 hour urine at 9 weeks.  It was 290, and has been increasing ever since.  I've been doing acupuncture and my bp has gone way done (I'm also on super modified bed rest as of a couple weeks ago), but my urine is still highish (currently 560).  The doctor really isn't that concerned, she said spilling some protein is normal, and maybe i just spill more than other people. 

    have you tried acupuncture for your BP?  It's really helped me.  

    good luck!

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    I had elevated protein but more towards 20 weeks. My doctor at that time did not think it was pre-E (no other signs or symptoms) so I was sent to a kidney doctor for tests to rule out kidney stone, a kidney infection or a UTI. I did the 24 hour urine and it also showed blood and crystals in my urine which would suggest a stone, but with an u/s they could not see it.

    I still have elevated proteins at this point but because I can not do more invasive testing to find the cause I am being treated as though I have preE (which still may be the case, just that I show no other signs). The kidney doctors told me that there is no harm in waiting until after I deliver to test then if it does not clear up. 

    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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    I started with high protein (2400mg in a 24 hr) around 10 weeks myself.  I ended up having a kidney biopsy at 19 weeks since they had absolutely no idea what was going on, my BP was low, and it was too early for preE.  Turns out I had a kidney problem pre-pregnancy that hadn't been diagnosed called IgA nephropathy. I'm still considered high risk but my protein has actually been going down (I'm at 1200 mg in 24 hrs now) and our little lady is doing well :)


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    I did a baseline 24 protein test around 17 weeks and it was 136.  The Dr said that if it was anywhere close to 300, she would just move the dx for pre-e to 500 (instead of 300).  It can be various reasons why there's protein (kidney bladder infection, underlying kidney disorder, dehydration...). 
    Lisa. mommy to Emmy and Ally image
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    No 24 yet. I had my 1st appt on 10/6 and my test results are available online. I haven't gotten a call or anything. My next appt is 11/6 and I'm sure the doc will discuss it with me then.

    Just trying to stay ahead of things.

    Thanks ladies.

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