long story short- this is my 2nd pregnancy, different gender, 2y5m apart. I did not want a baby shower, but was persuaded by ALL family and friends that I have to and to stop being modest just because it's your 2nd.. etc, etc..
So finally when my BF, MIL and Aunt volunteered to throw a baby shower for me "whether I liked it or not", i came around to it and got excited about it being pink and girly (opposed to my sons co-ed baby shower blue and sports themed).. this was going to be a small intimate ladies only get together..
well... i'm 26 weeks and nothing... I don't know a date, or thoughts of anything.. and whenever I mention this the hostesses they go, "ya we should probably figure that out"
Not that I need a baby shower, or even expected one- I'm just kinda bummed that it most likely fell thru..
I think the big dilemma that is causing issues is that no one can figure out a date.. I need it to be after thanksgiving so that my grandma can come (she's on a around the country road trip and is coming back home right before thanksgiving).. and then I am due at the end of January..
They can't decide to do it sometime early december or a mid january, a few weeks before my EDD..
Sorry, I guess this wasn't a long story short lol
Re: Baby Shower Blues..
I've thought about that lol.. and I confronted my friend, and she was like oh no! and i was like ok good because i should probably give you a list of addresses and stuff, and she was like yea, i have no idea who you want to invite so i'll need a guest list!
Sooo... I'm pretty positive that it's not a suprise..
I kinda know how you feel, my MIL has mentioned two times about having a shower for me, but it was a kind of "Well you'll probably get that when we have your shower." But that's all I've heard! No date, no location, no anything. Not even a "yes we are having a shower for you." Not that I need one, my mom is planning one for me when I go back home for the holidays, but still, its kinda weird. And DH's coworkers said they wanted a shower for us, but I'm not sure if its still going to happen or not. They wanted me to tell them when to have it, and I have no idea!
You are in the same boat as me! They want me to settle on the date too- but I really want their input and ultimatley I want them to decide because I really want to be left out of it, because I have some guilt about having a 2nd baby shower (thanks to this board!) and I figure if I stay completley out of the planning my guilt will wither away lol
I know alot of people probably think you should just keep your mouth shut because it'll sound like your asking for a shower which is not cool but here's what I'd do. I must say first that my family and friends aren't always sticklers for proper etiquette and would not have a problem or be offended by any of this.

I'd give the hosts or whichever one seems to be most in charge a few dates and say "these are the days I'm free for the shower". I'd also give them a list of address of who I'd want to invite.
Again I say this may not be proper but my friends would appreceiate the directness of it. I love them but no offense, none of them are really a take charge type. That was always my job.
Thanks, haha no my family isn't up on miss emily post! I could and will be saying- sooooo what's up with the shower? you guys are still doing it right? k, lets do it this day. this is who i want to come.
it's just what goes on with my family and friends.. and i never asked for a shower- they offered already, so it's not like i asked them and they said ok and then they are kinda brushing it off- it was their idea!
lol thanks ya'll!
well if they offered they are thinking about doing it but sometimes people just need a kick start.
i agree with pp- give them a list of dates and a list of addresses- no pressure just say I was making my xmas card list and put these addresses together for you...at that point they can say if they have plans yet...