I can't remember if this is the correct board you said you frequent..
But I just wanted to tell you that the c-section was a BREEZE compared to the 4th degree tear. Seriously, the recovery was NOTHING compared to the heII I went through with the tear. I was up and walking around that night, and now that I reached the 2-week mark, I feel pretty much normal, only slightly sore if I overexert.
I am so happy with my decision, absolutely no regrets, it was a fantastic experience all around. Especially being in the hspital 4 days by myself, I was able to get up and walk around, pick up the baby on my own, etc. And now that it is 2 weeks and I am on my own, I am completely functional.
Just thought I'd share! Thank you so much for your support - I had a lot of people who warned me that c-section recovery was quite possibly as awful, but that was so far from the reality!
Re: * * Goldilocks * *
I am SO glad you had a similar experience to me with the c/s!! that is awesome!
you take your chances no matter what and have to make the best choice for YOU. You could have had a super easy vaginal recovery this time, too - who knows- but you made a choice you can be happy with- and I'm so glad it worked out! Screw those other people!
enjoy your new baby!!!