
Dressing a 6 month old for pictures ??

I'm trying to figure out what to put on Nora for pictures.  I don't want her to look all bunched up and I feel that happens with a lot of her clothes.  They get pushed up into her neck and then she looks like a football player.  But I don't want to just put a simple shirt on her either.  Is it better to do a dress or pants and a shirt?  Why is this so difficult.

Re: Dressing a 6 month old for pictures ??

  • We just did DD's.  She wore a sleeveless sweater dress with a shirt underneath and tights.  The pictures were cute, but they shirt was not a onesie and kept bunching up.  The dress was fine but it was hard in some of the sitting up pictures to make it so her dress was covering her legs and not looking dumb.  I think i would say pants and a onesie would be easiest if you have something cute, but the dress was not bad either.  I would try and put a onesie on under it though, because I hate the bunched at the neck look too.
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