He was having a hard time latching while we were at the hospital so they gave me a shield and it works great. I just can't get him to latch without it, is there any hope for us now?
I did use it for a while with DD because I was so sore, she was able to go back and forth so it wasn't a problem with her.
Re: Did anyone BF with a shield?
Definitely call again! Also, any chance your hospital has a BF'ing support group? Mine did and it was so helpful for me early on. Just a bunch of moms and one LC that met every week to answer questions and encourage each other.
Just keep working with the shield. I would start him with the shield, then a few minutes in, I'd try to take it off and see if he would latch. Other times I started w/o it and added it a few minutes later--it was all trial and error, to see what worked best for us.
good luck!!!
I second what Summer is telling you.
Badger the hospital until you get ahold of the LC. They can be a god send.
I got my son weaned off the shield by trying w/o at the begining of every feeding. Make sure to give him a few minutes to work at it even if he gets frustrated right a way. Try to stay calm...I know that was the hardest part for me. I would get flustered and then just put the shield on so we could move forward but it might take some work but your DS and your supply with thank you!
just another perspective... I used a shield with DD#1 and never weaned her off it... literally! She absolutely could/would not (I'll never be sure which!) BH w/out one, so I eventually gave up trying. I BF'd 'til she was about 12 or so months old and the only reason I stopped was b/c my supply started to get wonky (and I'm pretty sure that was b/c I was already pregnant with #2, bot b/c of the shield...) my doc told me early on, if the shield doesn't seem to be affecting supply and baby is growing, don't lose sleep over it. So I didn't!
(oddly enough, DD#2 never needed the shield- guess some kids are just better at BFing than others!)
A ~ 2.7.06 S ~ 9.2.07
I used one constantly with DD and would try from time to time to wean her but did not push it. Around week 6, I tried it without and it worked!
Good Luck, I thought those shields were a godsend!