How did you handle not being able to pay as much attention or get out for walks playtime, etc either due to new babies, bedrest, or not feeling well. Especially when things have been busy for my husband as well. I know he will get less attention once the babies come but I just feel so bad he doesn't get out as much as he used to since I am on bedrest and have had a tough pregnancy. I don't feel like its fair but I can't really do anything about it now.He seems so bored or depressed!!
Re: to those who have pets
I hate to say this, but it won't really get any easier once the babies come...the first few months after my little guys came along, I was so sleep deprived (I BF'd) and just a royal cranky 'b' that I still can't believe DH and I are still married! I guess the only advice I can give you is to remember that this is a learning process for both of you. We also made it a point to have dinner together every night (or almost every night) so we could at least talk and keep up on what was going on with each other. the other thing that we have done for a long time is give each other a 'nice thing' every night before we go to sleep - just something that we appreciate about each other, whether it's something general (You are a good cook) or something more specific (Thanks for taking the trash out today!). I really think that helps us keep in mind that other one has responsibilities and is doing their part.
Now that the boys are older, we try to spend at least 20-30 minutes of family play time after dinner where we all basically just roll around on the floor and play. It's a lot of fun for all of us and I"m sure you will be able to do the same thing with your pets once your babies are old enough. We did have a dog when DD was born and they were best buddies - while the dog passed away before the boys came, I know she would have loved them too. I think with animals, it's really important to include them as much as possible with all the baby time and don't treat them any differently (ie, move their bed, food, etc). Best of luck with all your babies (fur and non-fur!) : )