ok well i think my kiddos might have it.. I have never payed much attention to all this crap as it annoys me that everyone always think their kid has it when they sneeze.. but unfortuantely my children woke up with all the signs but the high temp they have a low grade temp.. So i was just curious when do i need to be like ok we need to go to the dr. or if i even need to do that.. can you tell me what you did to help them out.. TIA!!
Re: Anyones kiddo had/have H1N1??
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
Since they are under 5, they would probably be prescribed tamiflu. Personally, unless they were completely miserable I would not give it to them. It can cause other side effects that just make them feel even worse. Tamiflu does not cure the flu, but can lessen the symptoms/duration. We were all on it this summer, but I didn't really understand what it was. Unless my child had a pretty severe case, I wouldn't take it. Looking back, we didn't need it last summer.
If you chose no meds, then just rest and get plenty of fluids.