
different diapers for overnight?

My DS has started to leak at nighttime. We use Pampers Swaddlers and they fit him fine but every so often he is soaked. Last night I changed him when he woke around 10 p.m. and then by this morning his onesie was wet. I did notice he slept on his tummy (which freaks me out).  Any suggestions for a nighttime diaper?

Re: different diapers for overnight?

  • Try going up 1 size.
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  • imagevccake:
    Huggies Overnights

    Ditto. We used Pampers Swaddlers/Cruisers during the day, but Huggies overnights are the best "night-night" diapers.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • We always just go up a size at night. Works great. I've never used an overnight diaper (until very recently were not avalable in Canada).


  • We've been having this problem, too. Someone told me to put a pull-up on overtop of the diaper and that's worked like a charm. DS is 4 months old and 18 pounds. He usually wears a size 3 diaper. At night I use a size 4 in the Pampers Extra Protection or Huggies Overnights brand. Then I put a 2T/3T sized pull-up on overtop of that. Works great.
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