
Any one use Lifetime Adoption Center?

I have been researching and they seem great  but almost too good to be true..  Has anyone used them that doesn't live in CA?  How difficult was it? Also, any suggestion on any other agencies/facilitators that work nation wide or in KY?
dd(Brianna) 11/01/94, ds(Bram)10/17/95, ds(Jesse)9/26/97, dd (Annie Ruth) 7/27/05 5mc Jan '08, May '08, Feb '09, Sept '09, Apr '11 "And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up." - Charles Dickens

PAL/PGAL Welcome

Re: Any one use Lifetime Adoption Center?

  • I have a friend on another forum that used them. They were matched at 18 mos. They are from TX. I can see if she would mind me giving you her email.
  • I know of 3 girls from this board that have used this facilitator - 2 were from California, and one was from Texas. They all have adopted and aren't on here much anymore...?
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