One of our local hospitals (not the one I'll deliver at) has tightened their visitation policies. There was a post on this board about the same thing. I've seen news reports saying many hospitals across the country are enforcing similar policies. All of them limit visitors to over age 16 or 18 and only siblings over age 5.
I understand trying to contain the spread of illness, but you can't tell me it is healthy for an 18 month old to go 2 or more days without seeing her mom and then have mom suddenly come home with a new baby. It makes me cry just thinking about that possibility!
Re: Already crying about strict hospital policies
My blog: Midwest Chaos
I know. ?I'm definitely concerned about this, too. ?I'll be having a c/s so it would mean 3-4 days away from DS, and I really hate the idea of us just suddenly pulling in the driveway with a new baby. ?:( ?I'm just hoping the hospital I'll be delivering at won't make this rule, or if they do, that it's a lenient one (as I've heard many are more of a suggestion than a strict rule).
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I'd rather my children be healthy and miss him for a few days versus getting ill. JMO.
FWIW - DS only came and visited me once when I had my c/s and it was only for a few minutes as DD was in the NICU and he wasn't allowed in there.
GL ladies.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Since I just gave birth on Sunday morning, we just went through this. Our hospital restrictions were 18 and under including siblings were not allow to enter the hospital. DD did well but but my family protected me from the truth while I was in the hospital. She actually woke up in the middle of the night screaming for me and wouldn't go back to sleep. She searched the house for me. They said it was heartbreaking. You probably want to hear positive stories but I'll tell you the truth, I was telling DH how much I missed DD in between contrax. My plan was to leave the hospital in 24 hours if the baby and I were cleared to leave by our Drs. We stuck to this plan. (It breaks my heart to know other Mom's will experience this with a longer stay due to a c-section). I was even irriated with anyone who wanted to have small talk or chat when I was trying to leave the hospital. Just do your job so I can leave, stop trying to chat with me.
DS did not come to the hospital by choice. I just found it completely unnecessary to bring him down there. He stayed with my brother and SIL and had a great time.
We picked him up at my parents' house and he was fine. He adjusted to DD totally normally.
IDK, I just don't get why this is such a huge deal
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
My DD came for an hour when DS was born and she was terrified. She didn't understand why she couldn't leave the room, why mommy was tired, what the heck "baby charlie" was, or why we weren't at home. She stayed w/ my mom and grandma.
Taking your small child to the hospital will not make it any easier for them to understand the concept of a sibling.