I suffered through the most excruciating baby shower this weekend, when I left I immediately called H and tiold him there was no way in hell I'd put my friends and family through that.
My best friend wants to do our shower, and asked me to just let her know what I want and she'll run with it.
I'd like it to be a couples shower, with booze (just because I can't drink doesn't mean everyone should suffer) , and sans lame games. H insists that no man in their right mind would go to a baby shower. So, anyone done one of these before where everyone obviously had a blast? How did you make that happen?
Re: Couples Shower?
this exactly.. were having it next month i think the focus should be more about the food and everyone mingling, i read that someone had a diaper poker table for the guys like the buy in was a pack of diapers and like $5 and the winner gets the money and we keep the diapers.. i think something like this would be a good idea to keep them occupied just because most men going in are going to be uncomfortable as it is..
My husband and I are having a couples shower, he's wants to do all of the cooking and is really into the whole invitation thing. this is my first baby but not his and he didnt have anything to do with first baby shower and he was kind of upset.
I'm also throwing a football/diaper party for him and his friends so that he can get together with his friends drink beer, talk babies,woman and football.
I figure the men can't get diapers wrong.
Never thought about this but great idea. I'm stealing it!!!
If you don't like showers why have one? Just have a party. It sounds like that is what you really want. Oh..ya...I guess you want the gifts so you'll have to call it a shower?
Showers are supposed to be showering the NEW mom-to-be. What does that have to do with the dad-to-be? Not saying he has nothing to do with the baby...that would be assinine...but quite frankly "showers" are for the mom-to-be. Yes, they are lame...but a good kind of lame...where women talk to each other about pregnancies, delivering babies and taking care of them once they are born. Some of the best advice I ever received (and used) was some I got at my baby shower.
We've had two couples' showers.. one for each of our sons.
The first couple's shower was in November... so we had it college football themed. My DH and I attended rival colleges, so we had one half decorated in purple/gold/UW Husky, and the other was crimson/gray/WSU Cougars. We still had cake and girlie games/prize, but we also had beer and "guy" games: foozball table, card table. For food we bought what I craved, which also happened to be dude-food, we did fried chicken, pizza, hot wings, (oh, and had salads).
For my 2nd couples shower for our 2nd son, we had it in October. It was a fall themed party, so the colors were dark- browns, golds, reds, and we had leaves and pumpkins. We had similar food and fun to our first shower... the only real difference was the color scheme/theme.
I think each person, or couple should do their own thing, If your surronded by good people there going to come whether it's called a shower or a celebration.
Personally if a husband/boyfriend/fiancee wants to be involved I say why not let him get involved and if he doesn't then so be it. I just think it took two make the baby it will take both of us to take care of the baby so why not have him join in the celebration.
Thank you everyone for all the suggestions, love the idea of incorporating poker and football!
Oh please, I couldn't care less about gifts. This is the first grandchild on my side and there's no way I could get out of a shower. I was told to fess up with what I wanted or I'd just be surprised.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. A baby shower is to celebrate the impending arrival of a baby. My husband is going to stay home with him, so he's actually going to use a lot of these gifts more than I will. Based upon your logic gay couples shouldn't be allowed to have a shower because neither one of them are the mommy. Rifuuckingdiculous.
I'm looking for ideas too, I think we are in the same boat here! My sis and brother inlaw want to throw a couples shower for us. We were thinking of having it during a football game and having a bbq. We live in FL so the weather should be nice to start up the fire pit, maybe do oysters. I think the hardest part is going to what to write on the invitations so the guys dont freak out. I was also thinking of a way to kinda give the guys an out on buying a gift, like a creative way of saying just bring diapers or something? Let me know what you come up with.
We will be having a couples shower as do most of the people in my family and circle.It's usually consist of food,drinks, and good music (yes we have a DJ). We will do a few fun games that the guys will enjoy as well.
We had a HUGE couples shower! There were over 60 couples there of all ages (120ppl and a few small children came). All of the men came, they participated in all the couples games (this was a BLAST!), we had lots of booze, door prizes for men and women, the football game was on in another room, the men liked the pool table, the food was catered and it was really just a huge party/ baby shower. I encourage this over any other shower. We had the time of our lives and were so blessed by family and friends that we were overwhelmed with excitement the whole time. Everyone is still talking about our shower and how they have not had that much fun with other adults in a long time. The men had more fun than they ever thought, and my husband was there to open the gifts with me. Email me and I will share some game ideas for couples: kristan_saavedra@yahoo.com
I don't know why but hispanics do them just like a birthday, couples with their kids and everything. I find it so weird when is a "girls only" thing. All the ones I've been invited have booze (depends the location) music, and lots of chi chatting...not many games (dont know why). This type of gatherings are always a get together with friends we dont see that much so is always pleasant.
I would have two showers and both will be like that....can't wait!