is the name olivia?
I have loved it since about 7th grade and now it is more popular i guess. I don't notice anyone on my 6-12 board with that name, and there are none in my close family or close knit friends, but when I tell people we may use it for our next DD's name, they tell me it is popular.
Re: how popular
Yes, I agree.
Here's my take on popularity.
If you love the name, use it. With all of the creative naming going on in our nation, even the most popular names aren't being used as often as most people think. Here are the numbers on Olivia according to the Social Security website...
In 2008, there were 16,845 newborn babies named Olivia. This made it the 6th most popular name. However, it was used on less than 1 percent of females born last year. Emma, the number one name, was used on 18,587 babies. It was also used on less than 1 percent of all females born last year.
For comparison, twenty years ago in 1988 the 6th most popular name was Brittany. It was used a whopping 26,800 times or on 1.4% of all females. The number one name back then was Jessica and it was used almost 52,000 times that year or on 2.7% of all females.
That just goes to show that even though it is in the top 10, the number of babies with the name isn't as high as you'd think. I think the percentage is a better gauge than the rank. Olivia is the fifth most popular name in my state, but it was used on less than 500 babies last year. That's a pretty small number considering the size of my state.
I agree with EmmaRain, right down to the statistics.
We went with a name we loved even though it had been the most popular name for 10 straight years, and we're happy we did it.
thanks, that really puts it in perspective!
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
It was #6 in the US in 2008.
It varies by state though."This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina