This group is for moms of preemies who are pregnant again, actively trying to
conceive or thinking about it. We are here to support each other on
this journey! Anyone is welcome to join! Just give me your info, your preemie's info, and a timeline for ttcing or due date.
Currently TTCing:
Name, Preemie's info
purplepuggles, Jack 27 weeker to placental abruption
here4u, Sophie 27 weeker due to PTL
sunriz, 33 weeker due to pre-e and IUGR, "not preventing, not trying"
crystalpopcorn, DC 31 weeker, just submitted papers to adopt
CanadianGurl, Cooper 33 weeker due to placental abruption
JustMarried2005, Jack 32 weeker due to PROM
ShanaNChris, Lily 31 weeker due to pre-e, HELLP, and blood clot
jennigator, Nate 33 weeker due to pre-e, ttcing in SeptemberThinking about TTCing:
Name, Preemie's info, Timeline for ttcing
RCH151, DS 33 weeker due to PPROM, ttcing in October
lemen99, Andrew 26 weeker due to IC, ttcing in a "year-ish"
MassaRN, twins 25 weeks due to PPROM, ttcing with FET in January
ravens_grl, Alex 35 weeker due to failed induction for hypermesis and low fluid, ttcing in July
ijack, Emma 29 weeker, ttcing on hold
kcswifey, Logan 28 weeker due to unknown reasons, no longer preventing
kamcfarlane, Ryan 32 weeker due to placenta previa, ttcing in December
TriciaJoy, Robbie 26 weeker due to pre-e, going to talk about ttcing in a year
njkaren, Brandon 26 weeker due to PROM and loss of twin, ttcing October
mrsmikey, Eli 32 weeker due to unknown reasons, ttcing winter 2010
Letty Macias, DS 32 weeker due to pre-e and PROM, ttcing in 1 1/2 years
FaithRocks, Trig 32 weeker due to PTL and pre-e, "not trying, not preventing", will do FET next year
TripMomma, Xander, Hayden, & Lily 31 weeker triplets due to PROM, ttcing in December
mrsfriend, Parker 34 weeker due to unknown reasons, ttcing later this year
sweetpea18, Reese 34 weeker due to pre-e, ttcing in March
mek10976, Simon 32 weeker due to PROM and pre-e, ttcing June 2010
pmkmp, Aubrey and angel Nathan 27 weeker due to PPROM, ttcing next summer
*sweet pea*, Skylar 29 weeker due to pre-e, not trying, not preventing
LUCKY4101, Cooper 33 weeker due to IUGR, due 3/3/10
Max'sMom- Max 32 weeker due to PROM due 12/31/09, it's a boy!
RRHsMom, Ryan 36 weeker (with RDS), due 4/1/10
mhop, Campbell 27 weeker due to pre-e, due 5/29/10BrainySmurfette, Katie 34 weeker due to HELLP
MWiley0225, DS #1 34 weeker, DS #2 28 weeker due to unknown reasons, due in April
Kaytee1206, Kendall 34 weeker due to pPROM, due 4/27/10
RoRed5, DS 35 weeker for unknown reasons, due 1/21/10
What are your plans in case you get put on bedrest?
Make sure you let us know how you're doing with ttc-ing, pregnancy, or since we have so many who are just "thinking about it", you can just update us on you in general!
All bfp's let me know your due dates and other info and I'll add them.
Welcome to our new members: Kaytee 1206, MWiley0225, RoRed5, *sweet pea*, and pmkmp!
Re: Mama's to be, TTCing again, and Thinking about it Check In
I worry about bedrest frequently. Luckily my mom is local and verrry supportive. Basically Campbell and I may have to move in with her Mon-Thurs while Robbie works if I get put on any sort of strict bed rest. I freaked out recently when I learned that our local hospitals all have forbidden visitors under the age of 18 due to flu. What if I get put on hospital bedrest? Eek! Hopefully flu season will be over by then...
Our ultrasound went great! Baby is measuring perfectly and had a great heartbeat. My next OB appointment is Nov. 2 when I'll be 10 weeks.
I have a 9 month old, former 32 weeker born early due to low amneotic fluid. I recently found out that we are exspecting again....EDD is June 19th so 17 months apart. I've been told by my doctor that my chances of low fluid are the same as I'm assuming a full term pregnancy. I had a rough c-section unfortunately and my doctor is saying we'd deliver early at 38 weeks. I'll fight him for every possible day or else find myself a new doctor.
As for bedrest, I'm not planning on it and therefore not thinking about it. My previous condition didn't require bedrest.....well it did, I just delivered 2 days after being put on it.
Update: I baught my crib this weekend via craigs list. I am so excited and the pregnancy is starting to feel real not just the m/s. I am very worried finance wise but sure we will make it one way or another. The m/s is starting to fizzle down finally. My next appt is 11/2 w/high risk ob and we should find out what we are having. I cant wait
QOTD: I am terrified of getting put on bedrest yet again, yet also expecting it to happen. If it does and I get to stay home I will just need help picking kids up from school(3 blks away) so I think we could manage. They are 7 & 6 and very independant. They could make snack & dinner may not be the best for them but here again we could manage. If its in the hospital I just dont know what we would do. My dh works til 9-10 at night at all daycares close at 5:30 in our area, our family works same odd hrs or would not do it. so I guess we will cross that bridge when it comes
If I have to go on bedrest I guess My MIL would come and stay with us...That is last resort..She is a Drama Queen.... My BFF said she would come stay with me no ? asked....
I Had a horrible dream last night that I went for my ultrasound and the umbilical cord wasn't attached so I had to deliver the baby...I woke up crying....
I go Friday to find out if it is a boy/girl....
Well this is my first month off BC. I have started charting again just to see what my body is doing. This month looks like rocky mountains
But thats ok its just the first month.
As for bed rest. I pray every night that it wont happen but if it did I think I would live at my moms during the week when DH is at work. My DD goes to her house every morning.
I'm here! I just have been so busy between work and Campbell running around. Plus I've been pretty tired so when it's quiet, I usually try to rest. But, I do try to lurk and see how everyone is doing!
I don't know what we'll do if I have to be on bedrest. My MFM said that it was pretty doubtful I would be considering I just went into labor and there was no stopping it! Hopefully the P17 shots will keep me nice and pregnant with no cervical changes until 40 weeks!
We did the deed sans protection every other day during ovulation this month...I guess I'll know in a couple of weeks! Considering it took 12 months the first time I am very doubtful!
IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
Weishaars' World
Mhop - I'm glad everything is on track for you and #2 right now! If I ever had to go on bedrest, I'm not sure what we would do. Both of my parents are retired, so they would be able to help a great deal, but they are in Seattle and we are in Maryland
. My in-laws both work and I'm not really close to either of them. I hope to god that I don't need to go on bedrest.
But as for now, #2 may be on hold since everyone at DH's firm was put on a 32-hour week and I would need to stay home with 2 kids. As I'm sure you understand, it doesn't necessarily make economical sense for a teacher to work so their entire salary can go to daycare. Fingers crossed!
You can move me to TTC. We just started this past month. We are going to see what happens and if I am not pregnant within the next few months we will contact the fertility doctor to use some of our frozen embryos.
As for bedrest...I am hoping if I only get pregnant with one baby this time instead of two I won't need to be on bedrest. The doctors all think the reason my sac ruptured at 19 1/2 weeks on Brandon's twin was because my body couldn't handle a twin pregnancy. Brandon only came early at 26 weeks, 1 day because he was in distress from the other babies placenta still being in me. If I am on bedrest again my DH would have to bring Brandon to the babysitter and pick him up each day. My parents both work full time.
Update: No new news here. Had 16 week check up last Tues and heard the HB again. I love that sound!!! We are waiting on an u/s until 24 weeks since we are not finding out the sex and my ob said she'll be able to see more at 24 weeks if we're willing to wait. I'm feeling well overall and am beginning to look pg- enough for people to be noticing.
QOTW: I was on modified bed rest for 2 weeks before Ryan came and so if that happens I think we'll be ok. I know my mom and mil will help on the days they are off and DH gets home fairly early. If I get put on strict bed rest I am not sure what I will do bc I will need childcare for Ryan round the clock and I know Mon I have no one to turn to. I know we'll figure something out though if it happens.
I am not on the list, so here is the info
mrs.amandamm, Addie 35ish weeker due pre-e, due 12/17/2009
QOTW: We have to get a laptop if I end up on bedrest... hopefully it won't happen, but I have a sinking feeling about it
DH doesn't have a job right now, so it really wouldn't be good. I would hate to waste my vacation time on bedrest.
Update: BPs have been pretty good, a tad high, but nothing crazy. I see my doc next on Friday, and start every other week appointments. I have a growth ultrasound next Tuesday, baby recently dropped from 35% to 12%, so hopefully things are looking better next week, and I won't have to worry about it.