South Carolina Babies

Mom to be in Charleston!

Hello! I just realized there are local boards, and thank goodness!! My boyfriend and I just moved to Charleston (West Ashley) in August and are due in December! We love the area, but I'm so bored! I'm without a job, so looks like I'm lucky and get to be a SAHM! I like it because I have all the time in the world for nesting, but it doesn't leave much opportunity to meet other people. Are there any play groups/mom groups in the Charleston area??

Re: Mom to be in Charleston!

  • Welcome to Charleston!!! I am not sure of any mommy groups. I am from the summerville area and have not seen anything yet. I am due in april so I still have some time, but would love to join one or start one.  Good Luck!!!

  • I'm in Columbia, not Charleston, but just wanted to tell you that I love your siggy pic!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Welcome to Charleston!! Try I have found some interesting groups to join in my area, Summerville.
    Nikki B. "My life consists in my being content to accept many things." Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • I notice your post is from a few weeks ago. But Taking a long shot, Did you ever find any of those mom groups?? My husband and I just moved here from Texas, our due date is Nov. 19th! I havent met anyone here other than a few of my husbands friends from work :) I was hoping to meet some new people while he was stationed here.
  • imagegbcook:
    I notice your post is from a few weeks ago. But Taking a long shot, Did you ever find any of those mom groups?? My husband and I just moved here from Texas, our due date is Nov. 19th! I havent met anyone here other than a few of my husbands friends from work :) I was hoping to meet some new people while he was stationed here.


    You're due soon!! Good luck! Let us know how it goes. Where are you delivering? I'm at  MUSC.  Maybe after our babies are born, we can get together, as we're both in the same boat (new to the area, SAHM).

  • Hello gbcook!  I saw that you just moved here from Texas.  Where in Texas were you from?  I used to live in Plano.  I miss it over there.  Anyway, I'm in Charleston (West Ashley) area.  Let me know if you have any questions about Charleston and maybe we can meet up sometime.  By the way, I just saw that you are due really soon.  Good luck w/ the delivery and congrats!
  • imagestephanielynn33:
    Hello! I just realized there are local boards, and thank goodness!! Myboyfriend and I just moved to Charleston (West Ashley) in August andare due in December! We love the area, but I'm so bored! I'm without ajob, so looks like I'm lucky and get to be a SAHM! I like it because Ihave all the time in the world for nesting, but it doesn't leave muchopportunity to meet other people. Are there any play groups/mom groupsin the Charleston area??
    Hey there!  I'm also in the West Ashley area and am a SAHM.  How do you like Charleston so far?  I'm not sure of any playgroups/mom groups in the Charleston area.  Usually, I just hang out w/ one of my friends and we go out to eat lunch or go shopping every once in a while.  She is also due in December w/ her second.  Let me know if you'd like to meet up sometime.  Maybe gbcook can join us and we can form our own mommy group.  =)
  • Hey!! I'm in Charleston too, between Daniel island and Mount pleasant, right off the Wando River.  I'm one of about 8 of my friends that are pregnant right now or just had their baby, so i'm learning alot about play groups and things of that nature.  Anyone new to the area I'd love to meet up!  We actually are going to do a big "baby BBQ" at the end of the summer 2010 (i'm due in April) and have all the new babies over.  I'd love to get to know more moms. 


    melyssaferber at gmail 

  • Hey guys,

       I know I'm way late on the post, but wanted to introduce myself. We've been here in CHS for a little over a year now... my husband's stationed at the base. I have a little boy who will be 2 in Feb and I LOVE Charleston. We moved from Columbus AFB, MS and Altus AFB, OK- this is so much better! As far as playgroups go, I'm on have decent ones. I'm also in the squadron one which is really small.  Take care- and happy holidays to everyone!

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