I am so upset. My cat is older (12) and for several months has been going downhill. But, he's been eat and drinking and everything else normal.
Last night I went to feed them and could not find Halle-Bopp. I finally found him in the underlining of the sofa. When I took him out, he tried to stand and could not hold up his hind end. He kept falling over. He is just skin and bones.
I do not want him in any pain or prolong anything. He made it through the night and will bring him to the vet tonight as ours in not an emergency vet and wasn't open last night.
I am unsure whether to take him to our new vet (Humane Society) or the practice where our usual vet has left.
Halle-Bopp was my first "adult" pet and the first pet MH and I got together.
Re: Putting my cat down today :(
We did the same thing 2 weeks ago. It sucks!!!
Hugs to you.