So with my first I craved italian food, sweets and cereal and had a boy....with this one it has been totally different.....been nauseated, breaking out more on my face, craving chinese food, ice tea and salads - mean anything?? Ha!
Eh, I hate sweet foods, love salty foods. My skin looks great. And I'm having a girl. I still have aversions to strong tasting foods(like onion, garlic, etc.) which is in a lot of Chinese foods.
isnt there an OWT that if your breaking out its a girl because the girl is "stealing" your beauty?
I've heard this one too. My cousin didn't find out the sex and strange women would come up to her and say "it's definitely a boy because girls still your beauty." Well, she had a girl!
Your post makes me laugh because I could have written it. I craved those things with my boy. I lived on cereal and I wanted nothing to do with salads, sushi...etc. This time around my face has broken out, I am craving salad, chinese, sushi. However, I am a little less nauseated this time around.
Not true I thought for sure I was having a girl because I was breaking out like crazy, which I haven't all my life. But I'm having a wonderful baby boy!
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I don't think the craving has anything to do with what you're having... I just think you want some Chinese! I LOVE Chinese, and crave it all the time, even before I was pg!
O13 March Siggy Contest: AnArChY (I do what I want- & I want FOUR GIFS!)
haha...I think you may be hungry but I crave chinese all the time and Im having a boy. About to get chinese for the football game today...yum yum! Im a first time mom so I have no idea what things mean when crave stuff.
Re: craving chinese food mean girl or boy?? :)
Jack Emmett born on 2/2/10 after 17 cycles and a miscarriage
Calvin Wyatt born on 1/10/12. Our surprise baby!
EP Facebook Group ~*~ My Baby/Life Blog
I've heard this one too. My cousin didn't find out the sex and strange women would come up to her and say "it's definitely a boy because girls still your beauty." Well, she had a girl!
O13 March Siggy Contest: AnArChY (I do what I want- & I want FOUR GIFS!)
Yummmm....chinese food...
Yep and my aunt was convinced because I was breaking out I was having a girl. We are definitely having a boy!