Two Under 2

Was 2U2 planned?

DH and I want to start TTC our second baby when DD is about 9 months old.  The few people we've told tell us we're crazy for wanting two babies so close together.  We've been EXTREMELY lucky with DD.  She's such an easy baby (so far!).  She's been STTN since she was about 2 months old and just started putting herself to sleep (no more nursing and rocking to sleep!) two weeks ago.  Everyone seems to think THIS is why we think we want to have our next baby so soon but we knew we wanted our babies to be close in age before we had DD.  Now I wish we hadn't told anyone our plans!  Anyway, just wondering if others planned their 2U2?  And if so, why?  Not that I have to justify our decision to anyone but we don't have a reason for wanting this other than we just want it.  What are the benefits of having 2U2?
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Re: Was 2U2 planned?

  • We planned on having 2u2, and will probably plan 3u3 as well.  We want our children close together.
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  • Not planned at all and still in a state of shock honestly. My daughter is 9 months old and was born 8 weeks prematurely. I'm more worried about having another preemie than I am about have two 18 months apart (hopefully). It'll for sure be an adjustment, but if we can do 30 days in the NICU, I think we can do anything > or at least that is what I keep telling myself. I'm an only child and for sure wanted more than one. I have o idea what the "ideal" age separation is, but it obviously doesn't matter now. Just hoping they'll be be best friends.
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  • Our DD is going to be one in a week and we were VERY shocked to find out we were expecting another.  Now that the suprise is starting to wear off, I'm really happy about it.  Same situation - our first was an amazing baby, great attitude, sleeper, etc.  In fact, I hated telling people, but I thought a newborn was much easier than everyone had made it sound.  I really hope it goes as well this time around.  Can we be that lucky twice??  The first couple of years may be crazy, but I think it'll be so wonderful to have them so close in age as they're older.
  • #6#6 member

    Ours were not planned at all.  We actually wanted the opposite with about 4yrs between L and #2.  But turns out L was only 4months old when we got pg with twins.  He was 1yr 11 days old when they were born.  Im so glad it worked out that way.  I LOVE having them so close together.  

       "Not that I have to justify our decision to anyone but we don't have a reason for wanting this other than we just want it."  

    Do what makes YOU and your dh happy.  Dont worry so much about others and their opinion.   

  • Yes, my boys are 21 months apart, and we planned it this way.  Having 2 will be hard regardless.  Not that 21 months apart is by any means easy, but at that age, DS1 didn't really care about the baby and showed no jealousy at all.  he kind of puttered around and did his own thing.  I can't imagine having a newborn right now- DS1 will be 3 in 1 month, and he is SO DEMANDING right now, he ALWAYS needs/wants something, needs me to be his constant playmate, etc.  So, do what feels best for you and don't listen to what other people think!

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  • No. Not planned, but a welcome suprise.
  • We didn't really plan it.  We weren't preventing it and we knew what could happen.  We were actually still in talks about having more.

    I am an older mom and I knew if we were going to have any more that our kids would have to be close.  I didn't want to be pregnant at 40 or over.  Not that there is anything wrong with that and I know women who do that.  Pregnancy wasn't easy on my body or my mind and I just knew it would be best to have them close if that was going to happen.

    I always just wanted 2 babies, but I believe God had other plans for me because when I got pregnant it was with Identical boys - so now I have 3 babies.


  • We did plan it, but we didn't tell anyone our plans. Having any children no matter when, is life changing. It's an adjustment and at times it will be hard. I think it's more beneficial to have them closer together, but I totally get why people wait. Here are some of  the pros for me:

    Kids will be close in age and can entertain each other once they're 2 & 3; hopefully they'll be close growing up. We'll be done with diapers totally in about 3ish years, whereas my friend who just potty trained her son will be starting over in a few months when she gives birth. Baby one has no sense of "self" yet, so there won't be jealousy (or at least not as much).

  • Yes, it was planned. And I have two high maintence children. It is hard, but I think having a newborn is hard no matter what. Once DS2 is a little older I think it is going to be great!
  • Not planned (well about 3 months earlier then when we were going to try)...

    I am a little frightened but am hopeful - worried about acid reflux that we had with DD and the fact that I am having this one in February and wondering what in the world we are going to do with it being cold outside.

  • we got pregnant the first month we decided to let things go and see what happened...So it was kinda planned. I was and still am at times, in shock it happened right away!

    after ds was born I wanted them to be 3-4 yrs apart, then I had a change of heart when ds was around 4 months and said 2yrs would be good..we decided to start not avoiding around his 1st bday, but our plans kinda changed and got pg 2 months before that. We are happy about it though, I think it will be rough for a good few months, but we can handle it. =)

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  • No way I would have planned for this with all I have on my plate!
  • Yes, we planned it, but our kids are 21 mos apart.  we didn't really plan on having them that close together, we were just ready when #1 was about 1 y/o.  He was a difficult infant and we just really enjoyed him as he approached 1 y/o.  We thought he was so cute and so much fun, we wanted another one.  And, I kind of knew that if I waited too long I might not want to turn back and go back to the baby stage again. 
  • We "planned" it since we tried for it, but we are surprised that it actually happened so soon. We just found out that I got PG my first post partum cycle. I assumed it would take a couple of months at least, since I'm EBF'ing and thought my cycles would take awhile to even out.  I know it's early, but I'm optimistic that this baby will stick!  They will be 18 months apart.  My sister and I are 17 months apart and have always been extremely close.  I hope we survive the first few years, cause I think it will be totally worth it.  
  • Yes, we wanted them 18-24 mo. apart.  I think each age difference between siblings has it's own challenges.
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  • yes
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  • Yes.  We are older parents and were still up in the air re a #3 so we needed to get a move on if I was going to hit my goal of being done by 40-41.  Benefits are the kids go through the same phases at the same time.  You never know the luxury of being 100% out of diapers so it's not difficult to go back to that.  And so on.  Same sports, same activities, they can play with each other and honestly, tend to be a bit closer growing up when closer in age (barring personality clashes).  Bad things?  It is HARD having 2 very young and labor-intensive children at the same time.  Two in college at the same time is $$$$$$$$.  Honestly, I will say that the workload from 2 has caused us to rethink a #3 and will probably have us stop at 2, even though our kids are relatively easy.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • imageP.G.&A.M.:
    No. Not planned, but a welcome suprise.

    DH actually talked about wanted Irish twins (two less then a year apart) when DD was first born. Now it's a different story! I'm so glad my kids will be relatively close in age- 22 months. I figure they will always have someone to play with. My sister and I are 26 months apart and I loved how close we were and still are, and so I hope my kids will have that realationship too!

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    Blogging about boobs, babies, bed lust & everything in between since 2007.
  • 2U2 - planned

    3U2 - not planned

    We are excited either way though. 

  • Yep. we planned on having 2 under 2.  I like having them close in age.  We're thinking of having our third when DS is 18-24 months, but playing that by ear for now. ; )


    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • No, not planned.  We had no intentions of even thinking about having another child for several years!!
  • We planned to have ours close.  I want to get the diapers, strollers, crib stages over together.  I want them to be able to enjoy similar activities.  I probably would have done closer if I didn't work.
  • yes, it was planned.
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  • we planned ours.  We always knew we wanted 2U2.  DH and I both have a siblings only 13 months older than us and we loved that growing up.  We want our kids to have that as well.  Hopefully they wont hate each other(well, hopefully they wont hate each other ALL the time)
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