Baby Names

Want to vote for my Top 3 Boy Name?

So we have it narrowed down to 3 names (more like 2, but we're keeping the third just in case). For MN, we like Samuel and Reilly. If you have any MN suggestions, please leave them! Want to vote?  :)



Re: Want to vote for my Top 3 Boy Name?

  • Bennett---AWESOME, classic name

    Madden--trendy, kind of matchy with Harrison, I think has a lot of potential as a girl's name

    Brooks--not bad, but with Brooke a familiar girl's name, that could cause issues. Also, I think of Garth Brooks and Brooks and Dunn, so it seems really country to me.


    Love Bennett. Love it with Harrison.

  • Oh, MN--like Samuel better. I also think Brooks would work. A few others:

    Bennett Miles

    Bennett Cole

    Bennett Luke

    Bennett James

    Bennett Charles (I think I like this the best)


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  • I like Bennett the best by 1000000%.
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