I'm so excited. Her official discharge date is Tuesday, which is her 2 month birthday. They want to do an EKG and a few other last minute tests before they send her home. They are also giving her synagis, which I was excited about, because our insurance covers it. We are taking her to the pedi on base, and they already have her scheduled for it. I was stoked that we didn't have to fight the insurance company on that one.
She's still on oxygen, so they will probably send her home with that. They diagnosed her with BPD/CLD this week since she is still on the oxygen. They have her on some diuretics for the BPD. I think it's helping some, but not enough for her to come off the oxygen.
Anyways, I'm so excited. I'm so proud of LO too. She'll be home 2 weeks early (I was due 11/06) and at almost 36 weeks. They adjusted her back 2 weeks based on her exam when she was born.
I didn't think this day would come so soon. The best day of my life will be driving away from that hospital with LO and DH and never having to go back.
Re: We have a discharge date!
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