is your youngest getting the shot too? Assuming they are old enough of course. DD has not has really issues but has had croup twice and is still coughing for weeks...and is better with an albuterol treatment. God I hate giving it to DS let alone my not even 20lbs DD but I think she is probably needs it to if we can get it for her.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: So if your oldest has respiritory (sp) issues
My little one is the one with the respiratory issues.
I keep going back and forth if I will get it for htem, but probably will for both.
I am tortured with this decision. She will be 6 mos. next month and she is getting her regular flu shot....I really dont want to give her the H1N1 too. Thats too much for a little one IMO. If the rest of us get the H1N1 then she will be protected I feel. UGH!!
Oh and like your daughter, my daughter had a terrible cold over the summer and needed the neb. My son is on pulmicort now for the winter.