1st Trimester

dog jumped on my pregnant belly

I'm 7 weeks pregnant....Last night I was lying on my couch, and all of a sudden my 20 lb. dog got startled by something. She jumped onto my belly then jumped off (picture someone jumping onto a trampoline and jumping off the side). Ever since, I have been having some cramping, no bleeding. Could she have just aggravated it or could it be something worse? I spoke to the nurse at my doctors office about and all she said was if the pain gets real bad or if I have bleeding to call them back.  I have an ultrasound on Tuesday anyway.  But I'm just a little concerned.  Has anyone experienced this sort of thing and should I go to the ER even though the nurse didnt seem as concerned?

Re: dog jumped on my pregnant belly

  • ::lurking:: I was in two car accidents a week apart when I was 8 weeks pregnant - the first one was me getting rear ended and the second one was head on (his fault) that totalled my car. DS was just fine - the ER doc said that usually traumatic force won't have an impact on the fetus that early.

    Hope everything is ok!

  • I had my 17 lb dog jump on my belly more times than I could count while I was pregnant. I would always worry but it would always be fine. My doc said that the baby is pretty well cushioned in the 1st trimester. Listen to what the nurse said and just be aware if it gets any worse but try to not to bring more pain on by worrying  =)

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  • My dog does this sometimes, but I haven?t gotten cramping from it.

    I would say if it doesn?t go away like today or tomorrow, call your Dr. 

    But at 7 weeks the baby is super little and there is a lot of cushion between it and your belly so I think you will be fine. 

    Of course if you see blood go straight to the ER. 

  • This actually happens to me often, although its not a dog its my 25 lb son.? All of your bloat should be a good cushion for the baby in there so try not to worry.? Try to relax and take the dr.s advice.? Cramping is also a sign of a growing belly so hopefully thats all it is.? Sending good thoughs your way!
    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Hope everything goes okay!!  I'm sure if the cramping is only mild it's normal.  Good luck!

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  • Your embryo should be well protected in there and I highly doubt the dog did any damage. The cramping is likely your uterus growing.

    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • hopefully this is not a problem because my 20 lb daughter jumps on my belly all the time!

  • I have had BOTH my Dachshunds jump on my stomach at full running speed as well as my 15 lb cat that sleeps on my stomach or head nightly pounce on my stomach. I have had some major cramping after one or two of the incidents. The worst was falling out of the shower and landing backwards over the toilet and having major cramps. (needless to say if its a girl we are naming her something GRACE to help counteract my klutz gene). Ultrasound showed nice strong heart beat.

    They are well insulated in there. You are probably fine but like she said, if you get strong cramps or blood call back.

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  • At 7 weeks your baby still isn't really outside your pelvic structure yet, so your dog probably just bounced on your bloat. Wink  Ditto everyone who said to take it easy and to see the cramps (as long as they aren't REALLY painful or accompanied by bleeding) as a sign of a growing ute.  Try not to worry yourself too much!
  • My 30lb son jumps on my belly while my 100lb dog rolls over on me.  I'm sure you're fine... they're very well protected in there.

    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • This has happened to me with my 32 lb 3 year old daughter several time. At 7 weeks your uterus is still tucked safely within your pelvic bones in additioned to being well cushioned. I wouldn't worry too much.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • imageonitram5:
    I'm 7 weeks pregnant....Last night I was lying on my couch, and all of a sudden my 20 lb. dog got startled by something. She jumped onto my belly then jumped off (picture someone jumping onto a trampoline and jumping off the side). Ever since, I have been having some cramping, no bleeding. Could she have just aggravated it or could it be something worse? I spoke to the nurse at my doctors office about and all she said was if the pain gets real bad or if I have bleeding to call them back.  I have an ultrasound on Tuesday anyway.  But I'm just a little concerned.  Has anyone experienced this sort of thing and should I go to the ER even though the nurse didnt seem as concerned?

    I have a 105 lb chocolate lab and he thinks he is a 20 lb dog. He is so used to coming onto the couch and plopping down on top of me. He has done it a few times since the BFP, but hasn't really done it much since then.

    I worried at first about it, but the fetus has so much cushion right now, that unless something happens where you're bleeding, I wouldn't go to the ER. Your lower abdomen is sensitive right now as it is, so that may be where the cramping came from.

  • I don't think you need to worry unless you start bleeding.

    My 65lb dog jumped on my lap in my 3rd tri w/ DS.....everything was fine.

    Now DS uses me as a jungle gym...and wants to bouce! 

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  • Like the other ladies have said, you should be fine unless you are having some bleeding.  I worry about my dog jumping on me too, but she is 125lbs and weighs more than I do!  She will jump up on the bed and land right on top of me, so I have been very careful around her since my BFP. 
  • I had the same exact thing happen last week, my dog jumped down from the top of the couch and his front paws went right into the area above my pubic bone, perfect landing. I had cramping for over a day aftterwards but no spotting. My Dr said unless there is spotting Im' all good. I called a day into the cramping b/c I was getting worried. They are pretty well padded in there. How many times have moms with a toddler taken a headbut to the stomach while pregnant
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