DD can't do anything the easy way. I had a ridiculous pregnancy, a scary delivery, she was colicy, had reflux, won't sleep. And, now we can add "never ending ear infection" to the list.
She's had fluid on her ears for over a month. She's been on 2 rounds of powerful oral antibiotics. I took her in yesterday to have them checked again, and its getting worse. So, injections of rocephin was the next option. We had to go back today for a second round today. If they aren't better after this, we have to go to the ENT and talk about tubes. She's only 6 months old, I don't want to be dealing with tubes already!!!
This is going to be the l-o-n-g-e-s-t winter ever.
Re: I'm going to add a vent, too
He basically had an ear infection for 8w straight.
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