Two Under 2

Behavior after #2 arrives

So overall DS has been great with the baby. He has started to refuse to go to sleep though and he's always been so easy in that regard (STTN, however, is another thing!)  He did have an ear infection but even with those in the past, he's never had trouble going to sleep, he'll just wake up in pain, and it's been cleared up for a few days.

He definitely wants to sleep in our bed but he'll settle for one of us to just sit in his room until he falls asleep. And then of course he wakes up calling for us a gazillion times a night. We tried letting him cry but that just sent him into fits worthy of Supernanny and stressed me out to no end. So I've been sitting with him.

Anyone else go through something similar? We figure give it a couple of weeks and see if it passes before we resort back to CIO. My pedi warned that he'd be testing limits but he's going through some big changes right now, that it doesn't sit well with me to let him get so upset. Ugh, I just don't know what to do!

Any advice is appreciated :)


Re: Behavior after #2 arrives

  • It is hard, but it gets better each day. Robbie has been acting out a LOT. The one thing I try to do is give him as much positive attention as possible while ignoring his negative actions. Hopefully it'll get better soon!
  • DD was a little more clingy and a bit more problematic at bedtime.  I just made a point to try and put her to bed at least a few times a week and spend some special one on one time and that helped a lot.  It gets better but for now, I'd go with it.  It's a big change for him.  And dumb question but does he have all of his teeth in or could that be causing an issue?  I can't remember how old your DS is but DD's 2yr molars have been percolating on and off for a while and she always wakes up frequently crying if they are bothering her.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

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    DD was a little more clingy and a bit more problematic at bedtime.  I just made a point to try and put her to bed at least a few times a week and spend some special one on one time and that helped a lot.  It gets better but for now, I'd go with it.  It's a big change for him.  And dumb question but does he have all of his teeth in or could that be causing an issue?  I can't remember how old your DS is but DD's 2yr molars have been percolating on and off for a while and she always wakes up frequently crying if they are bothering her.

    He has all of his one year teeth. I've checked and haven't seen any signs of his 2yr molars.

    Now he's fighting naptime. He's in a bed and when I go into his room, he's out and hiding behind a chair. God help me!

    Thanks for the advice though ladies- I didn't know if I was being a wimp for not letting him CIO just yet. It may come to that soon though :(

  • It is such a huge adjustment for them.  My DS was really tough when we brought DD home.  Loads of temper tantrums, melt downs, and trouble going to sleep.  Around the end of the first month this got a lot better.  I just gave him as much patience as possible (which is hard when you also have a screaming newborn).  It does get better.


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