
adding a vent

I told my friend that while she can come visit that it needs to be limited to just her, not the children at this time from the advice of my doctors.  The only children around the kids are my nices and nephews and that's with tough screenings lol.  She got all shocked and kept asking "why, I've never heard of that".  And if you refer to my post below you'll know my answer how I keep saying it's different with preemies according to my doctors, etc.  But she wouldn't stop about it.  I know she has a few friends that had preemies and I've already heard when I didn't let her visit in the NICU how she doesn't understand since they are just in isolettes and she could with others, etc.  I feel like when I explain about stimulation and so forth and the fact I already have a huge family that I'm limiting, it goes in one ear out the other. 

I feel like I keep offending people left and right, but like I told some lady at the doctor office yesterday who kept wanting to get close and close to the babies and stare... I'm the one that ends up in the hospital with them broken hearted because of a virus not the person wanting to get close to look so people can get offended all they want.  I explained to her nicely that please don't get too close because of germs and she replied in a mean tone "I'm not a germ".

She won't be the first I offended and won't be the last.

Re: adding a vent

  • "I'm not a germ."?? how rude!


  • My DH is a local celebrity & people in the community heard it from the grapevine when Stella came home.  When we were taking her for a walk a few days after she came home, people were literally stopping in the street to ask if they could come see the baby.  Some of our neighbors down the street that we have never even met came running out of their house to look at her, like we were the ice cream truck or something.  It never ceases to amaze me: my baby has a nasal canula.  She is NOT a normal, healthy baby!  She is sick so stay away!  It drives me nuts that people have to ruin the tiny bit of normalcy we're trying to experience by taking the baby for a walk.  I have just never went up to look/talk to a baby in a public place in my life.  As I explained on my blog, the amount of pleasure an adult would get in meeting her/holding her, etc. is not worth the risk to her health.  Stand your ground & tell your friend to grow up.
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  • imageRachel&Joe:
    My DH is a local celebrity & people in the community heard it from the grapevine when Stella came home.  When we were taking her for a walk a few days after she came home, people were literally stopping in the street to ask if they could come see the baby.  Some of our neighbors down the street that we have never even met came running out of their house to look at her, like we were the ice cream truck or something.  It never ceases to amaze me: my baby has a nasal canula.  She is NOT a normal, healthy baby!  She is sick so stay away!  It drives me nuts that people have to ruin the tiny bit of normalcy we're trying to experience by taking the baby for a walk.  I have just never went up to look/talk to a baby in a public place in my life.  As I explained on my blog, the amount of pleasure an adult would get in meeting her/holding her, etc. is not worth the risk to her health.  Stand your ground & tell your friend to grow up.

    You nailed it when you said people ruin the tiny bit of normalcy we're trying to experience!  For me, just when I begin to relax doing my thing someone has to stick their head in their stroller!

  • imagejlh123:

     and she replied in a mean tone "I'm not a germ".


    I beg to differ.

    I could have written this post exactly!!!!! I guess my friends and family were/are/will be mad at me because I limit visitors like crazy. Now swine flu is going around here like crazy and I decided to put us on lockdown. I really want to see an email out to everyone that says "See you in the spring!" but I know it will piss people off.

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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