Today was the first bad day that Cooper has had since right after he was born, and I feel totally broken and guilty again. He was put back on CPAP last night, and today they ran a ton of blood tests- twice, since they didn't get enough blood the first time. They can't figure out why he was desatting, and are worried he has an infection. Everything so far has come back okay, but they are still waiting for the rest of the results.
I knew he was going to have ups and downs, but he went from doing great on Monday and Tuesday- to the point that both of his nurses said they thought he would be able to come home by Thanksgiving, to this, and I feel like he is never going to learn to breathe normally! I know he is only 32 weeks gestationally, and that he shouldn't even be breathing yet- but still. UGHHH!
Hopefully he will be a little better when we go back tonight- I didn't even touch him today, and his nurse had everything dark and quiet so he could sleep. I'm just praying he doesn't have an infection and that he gets better and off the CPAP quickly.
Re: First Bad Day
(((hugs))) and I hope he graduates from CPAP soon (and for good this time!)
No antibiotics. They ran his bloodwork and he doesn't have an infection (thank goodness!). I honestly think he just got really over stimulated- they have had new babies in and out of his room every day, and last night when things got bad it was really loud in there. He seemed to be more comfortable tonight, and his sats were pretty stable in the high 80s and low 90s, so hopefully he will stay that way tonight.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10