
Should I be worried about DD2?

She's 11 months in two weeks.  When she was around 4-5 months, she was rolling over just fine.  She started crawling at 9 months.  Now she's cruising around on the furniture.

I noticed last week that when she falls down from standing up, she ends up on her back and just lays there and kicks her legs, and eventually will cry.  She won't roll over and sit back up.  I left her there this morning to watch her and see if she would eventually do it.  Nope.  It's almost like she forgot how or something.

DD1 never did this.  It's so weird because she can crawl, pull herself up on things, and cruise around.  Is this something I should tell the pedi about?

Re: Should I be worried about DD2?

  • I think sometimes kids 'forget' how to do things when they are working on something new.  I want to say DS went through the same phase, like hmmm, how do I get up, when he clearly knew how.  I don't think I'd be worried yet, but moms know their own kids best!
  • imagej*w*:
    I think sometimes kids 'forget' how to do things when they are working on something new.  I want to say DS went through the same phase, like hmmm, how do I get up, when he clearly knew how.  I don't think I'd be worried yet, but moms know their own kids best!


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  • Kate does this sometimes.  I chalked it up to her being super subborn and dramatic.  But I guess it never hurts to talk to the pedi about it just to ease your mind, if anything! 
  • EMTEMT member
    I wouldn't worry especially since she's hitting all the other milestones. Owen didn't really roll at all until he was close to crawling...neither of my kids were big rollers for that matter.
  • It can't hurt to mention it, but I wouldn't worry.  It's a different kind of development, but when Lila first started talking she said some words and then as she learned more words it seemed like she forgot some of her earlier words. I asked the pedi about it and he said it was normal.
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