We still think that we are Mono-Mono - but they are STILL looking for the membrane (at least for the next 4 wks). If we are .. then it is a section for sure.
However, my OB mentioned to me that if they were Mono-Di you could try to deliver vaginally.
My only issue with that is I don't want to end up with one vaginal birth and a c-section.... at the same time! Seems like the worst of both worlds you know?
How did yuo do it?
Re: Mono/Di Moms - How did you deliver?
I was planning on at least attempting a vaginal delivery, and my OB was ready to schedule and induction (I was developing pre-e) when I hit 36 weeks, but when I went for my last ultrasound we found that baby B was breech and bigger than baby A. Because of those two things my doctor recommended a c-section. He would have been willing to go with a vaginal delivery if baby B hadn't been the bigger one because he could do a breech extraction, but since baby B was bigger it raised my chances for something to go wrong or for me to end up with vaginal and c-section.
As it turned out, the day I delivered I was too sick and weak to even think about an induction, so I was happy we'd already agreed to do a c-section.
Mine were Mono/Di also and I delivered via c/s.
Baby a was presenting first and he was breech, in addition he was the smaller of the two twins.
My Peri would only let me deliver vaginally if baby a was head down and the bigger baby. He told me that they want the bigger baby delivered first.
And to be honest although I fought having a c/s forever and a day. I told them on the table that I had changed my mine. For me my c/s was a better recovery then my vaginal delivery with my DD.
I was basically med free by the time I got home, with my DD I had a 3rd degree tear with 27 stiches that had not healed correctly by my 6 week pp.
My twins are mono/di, and my OB said he would recommend a c/s. He's concerned that if I delivered one vaginally, the placenta would start to break down and jeopardize the other baby. And like pp said, I would hate to have a vaginal birth AND c/s!
I am REALLY nervous about having a c/s, but I guess I have a while to get used to the idea!
I just spoke with my doctor yesterday about our options. She said only about 10% of the time does a mom need a c-section after starting vaginal.
My perinatologist said that even if Baby B was breech, a doc experienced in breech deliveries could deliver vaginally. (I think this was also partially because I've already had 2 babies.) Either that, or they could try to turn Baby B.
Because of severe tearing with my first two, excessive bleeding and quick labor the second time, and GBS-positive, I am concerned about trying a vaginal birth. However, the doc yesterday said that she thinks it would be very possible for me to plan on a vaginal birth. (Both our girls are head-down currently.) Oh yeah, we're mono/di too! : )