TTC after 35

Heartbeat at u/s #1 today

Well, I just got home from u/s #1, and I'm very relieved to say there is one beautiful embryo (and not 2, or 0, like I was worrying about)!  And we could see a little pulsing heartbeat.  I should be 6 weeks 3 days preg., so it's still really early, but it's a good milestone to see that heartbeat and yolk sac. My doctor seemed pleased, and I go back in 2 weeks for another look.  And I'm feeling really queasy today-- that feels like a good thing. :-)

I'm happy to share my good news, but I'm also sensitive to the losses that have happened recently, and I hope for the best for all of us who are TTC.   Since I had one preg. before & m/c'd at 13 weeks (trisomy 18), I'm going to be worrying  throughout this first trimester, I'm sure.

Crossing all my fingers and toes,



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