my daughter no longer takes any liquids via bottle, syringe, dropper, sippy, etc. she has decided to no longer sucking (this reflex disappears at 4-6 months and then becomes voluntary) likely due to untreated reflux. we can only use a spoon to try to get food mixed with formula in her. very hard. we take it day by day and are working with a feeding center.
ne1 with similar situation to share?
Re: Loss of Sucking Reflex? No Liquids by Mouth? NE1?
aww I'm sorry
That sounds really frustrating for everyone. Poor girl.
DS's sucking reflex has weakened (we're told that's why he's been choking) but he still takes a bottle. We just have to thicken his milk.
I hope things get easier for you!
We went through it. Robbie was born with a stomach problem and has always had horrible reflux. He's had stomach surgery twice. Eventually he just gave up. It was really disappointing as he'd been a great eater, but as the sucking reflux waned, it got worse and worse. For a while, he'd eat when he was sleepy, but then that stopped, too. Eventually, I'm afraid we had to have a G-tube because he wasn't growing and just wasn't doing well.
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DS did the same thing between 7-8 months actual - turns out he was just self-weaning from the bottle. We switched him to open mouthed cups like the Doidy or even just a plain plastic cup - he was totally fine once we figured it out but it was totally stressful in the meantime!