DS is driving me nuts - he never, ever had issues wearing coats/jackets/hats until about two weeks ago, and now that it is really cold here it is getting to be a massive PITA every day. He freaks out - screams, sobs, runs away, yells NO NO NO NO, and when I do manage to get him in a jacket (like wrestling an alligator), he immediately unzips and takes it off, runs away,sobs, tantrums, etc.
I have tried the "OK, we just won't go anywhere" thing, but that has majorly backfired a few times since he is fine with that and we have places we need to go - like Dr appointments. I try to let him pick out his outwear, but he hates it all.
We walk or take the stroller everywhere and it is in the high 30s now in the early mornings, so a jacket is necessary. Any tips? He has become the most obstinate, contrary kid in the past few weeks. I feel like I am yelling at him a lot more and I hate it but seriously I can't listen to the screaming "NO!" anymore....
Re: Anyone else have a daily battle over coat and hat?
I let DS pick a coat, usually when I give him a choice it's really easy to get it on him. I do that with his clothes and shoes too. It's win-win for me. I've also told him if he doesn't put his hood up or hat on then his ears will get cold and owie. (he had and EI when I started that). He prefers those head-band ear wrap things over a hat, but if he chooses that then sometimes I make him put his hood up too.
Last night we were walking from the car to the house and he stopped dead in his tracks and said "NO! My ears cold-owie!!" and put his hat on. LOL
BTW--cute sig!!!
Our fight is over shoes but we've been "racing" (suggested by Emilykristene) and it is working. I just say, "time for shoes who can get them on faster?!" and she runs off happily to put her shoes on.
Gracie went through a no-coat-phase last winter and I let her choose either wear it or carry it. As soon as we were outside she wanted it on.
Oh yes-- DS started that this week. Anytime we race he gets super excited and does it.
Yes. I hate it. The other day I put DS in a timeout for not listening. I hate starting the day out with a timeout, but it worked. When he tried it yesterday, I told reminded him that he'd had to sit in a timeout the day before. He put on his coat, so it worked. No idea if it will work tomorrow, though.