Baby Names

What do you think about these names?

Jonas Dale

Jonas was my late grandpa's name and Dale is my FIL's name.

Kara Sharon

Kara just cause we like it, and Sharon was my late moms name. If its a girl having my mom's name as a middle name is a must.

hmmm...what do you ladies think?

Re: What do you think about these names?

  • I like them! 

    How would you pronounce Kara? Care-ah or Car-ah?  When I see it I pronounce it Care-ah in my mind...

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    Eleanor Noelle - 18/05/12 Claire Elisabeth - 16/-5/10
  • Like 'em both.
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  • I like them both!
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  • I think they are both really nice names!
  • I like everything but Dale. (But I know it's your FIL's name so that's a nice thought.)
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  • Hmmm, neither are really my style, but Jonas is cute, and I would normally say no to Dale, but I like that it is a family name so keep it!

    I honestly don't like Kara, it sounds blah/boring to me.  Sharon is very pretty...  What about Sharon Kara?

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  • I like Kara but I don't think it sounds good with Sharon.
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  • I don't like Kara Sharon (rhymes). Jonas Dale is good.

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  • I really like both Kara and Jonas. I don't love Dale but its a middle name and a fn so I wouldnt worry too much about it.
  • Thanks for the honest opinions. Dale is a keeper just cause its tradition for the oldest boy to be named after the grandfather but I think it goes well with Jonas.

    I know jonas reminds some people of the awful boyband but i only think of my grandpa:)

    I am kinda ify about the ryhme thing going on with Kara Sharon, but if you say it out loud its not so bad. Kara is pronounced Care-ah. My husband really loves this name, my second name picked out was Lily. But it seems to be really popular now and my husband isn't that fond of it.

    I would use Sharon as a first name but my mom passed just 2 years ago from cancer and I think saying and hearing my moms name all the time would make me sad. Not sure if that makes any sense?

  • Jonas Dale? For a girl? NMS.

    And Kara and Sharon sound too much alike. 

  • I don't care for the boy name. I love Kara, but prefer Cara. I would pronounce it Care-uh. I think it's very pretty and a lot better than Lily.
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