Hi there, I saw in your reply to the "showing" post that you weren't sure of your due date. If you did IVF, you should use the conception date (the date the eggs were fertilized) to figure it out. Go to
and choose conception date. Enter that in and you'll have your due date and how far along you are.
Re: ***outofcontrol82***
oh thanks..
actually my OB has given me 2 different due dates- one is 4/10/10 - which makes me 14 weeks, 5 days and the other 4/13/10- which makes me 14 weeks, 1 day. If I went according to my ER, the 4/13/10 makes sense. But at my last u/s they gave me 4/10/10- so maybe the babies are measuring ahead? I dont know. I guess I will find out when I have my anatomy scan..