I have three month old preemie twins. I've been exclusively pumping for them, but my stash is diminishing quickly. I'm having a difficulty finding the time to pump every 2-3 hours, so my supply is low now too. How do you ladies find time to pump and how much do you milk are you making?
If you use formula, how much are you using and how old are your babies?
Re: Help twin mommies!
When my guys were little, I'd pump while I fed them. I'd put them in boppies on either side of me and then hook myself up to pump. I could usually keep them entertained for a while after they finished their bottles so I could keep pumping. I can't remember how much I was making when, but my absolute max was about 50 oz a day with 40 oz being more normal. I think I started supplementing around 2.5 months...
My boys are 6.5 months and they takea bout 30 oz of formula a day each.
It sounds like you've done a great job so far!
After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
i'm not a lot of help because i also EP'd for the twins- and because I have the twins + a toddler- i had a hard time keeping up with pumping often enough. I got a lot when i pumped- but i couldn't find time to do it enough- ended up with mastitis after only 2 weeks... so i quit pumping at 4w and did only formula.
I am almost EPing. I produce a ton of milk. I don't pump hands free. Even though I have a dual pump I generally do one side at a time. I pump while I am feeding one baby, or while typing, like right now. Until 2 months I had to pump for very long periods of time every 2 hours. Now my body had the right idea and I have to pump every three hours for about 15 minutes a side.
My babies are just starting a growth spurt that is challenging me.
Always pump as soon as you get out of the shower. I also pump while in the car. Get the car adapter because the pump uses batteries quickly. The sucky part is that I have to pump at night between 11:30 and 5:00, even if the babies do not wake up, but they usually do. You make the most milk between one and five am.
Also you may need to supplement once or twice. Don't beat yourself up about it, but if you are committed to pumping, don't slack off either.