
Boy Name Poll

Which do you like best?[Poll]
Liam is 5!
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Re: Boy Name Poll

  • Do you know for sure you are having a boy?  Did I miss something, or are you just working on both names?
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  • We had an NT scan at 12 weeks and she said it was a boy.  Of course she made her usual disclaimer but I asked my OB about gender guesses at NT scans and she said I should expect to have a boy if that's what the tech said.  We have an appointment tomorrow so we'll get confirmation then. I'm 98% certain this is a boy!  I would be shocked if she told me tomorrow that it's a girl!
    Liam is 5!
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  • None of those combos roll off my tongue very well.  I do like both Miles and Owen, just with different middle names, perhaps.
  • All of your names are very nice. The only one I wouldn't do is Owen Kellan because the -en endings rhyme.
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