So, I wrote a poem. It needs some work, but it's keeping my mind off the really bad cramping.
Little Baby
Little baby
I dreamed of you
I prayed for you
We talked, we tried and tried
Soon, you were on your way
Little baby
One fine day
I saw two lines
We danced, we rejoiced, we sang
Soon, you were on your way
Little baby
Momma saw you
Daddy saw you
Sister saw you
Little baby
My body changed
As you grew
We shopped, we laughed, we dreamed
Soon, you were on your way
Little baby
One sad day
I saw red
We called, we paced, we begged
Soon, you were on your way
Little baby
They said no
You were gone
We sighed, we screamed, we cried
But you were on your way
Oh, little baby
Momma?s gonna be alright
Daddy?s gonna be alright
Sister?s gonna be alright
Hush now baby?sleep
Re: Probably lame, but I can't sleep
That is so sweet. Makes me want to cry for you. =(
I am praying for you though. and I know how it is to not be able to sleep. a lot of that has been going on over here too.
I'm soooo sorry! Its a very very nice poem and no its not lame! Poetry from the heart is never lame.
I am bawling. I just want you to know you are not alone in this. I lost a little girl at almost 15 weeks.
This is life chnaging. period. We take this time to grow and learn, cherish and love. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I'm crying, that is so beautiful.
Hugs to you and your family.