Can you talk on the phone when they are home?
Joe wants me to make my business calls tomorrow --- with both kids home. Granted I can do some of them when Joey is in school -- so I would just have Cam. But it depends on how good she will be at entertaining herself (w/out Joey) during that time.
I just find it beyond frustrating trying to talk on the phone when they are here. Add in the fact that it's business --- ARGH!
And he just doesn't seem to get it. yet he will go on the deck and tell me not to let them outside when he is calling his clients at night.
Re: moms of toddlers/preschoolers
That would be a huge, big, fat, NO. When I WAH, like today, DD is at daycare. I had to be on a conf call on my day off. Of course I did not have it on mute and DD decided to start screeching. Totally interrupted the call, and I had to fess up. Thank goodness they laughed, but I was mortified.
No business calls w/ kids during normal business hours.
Christmas 2011
Not a chance. My phone sends secret messages to K. "Your mommy is busy why don't you jump off the back of the sofa" or the one from today "Mommy is busy pull the cats tail and scream when he smacks you".
Business phone + toddler(s) = FAIL
I was trying to talk to a customer service rep a couple weeks ago and DS literally followed me around the house, screaming. It was horrible.
I would hate to try to make business calls with him around.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
::gasps for breath::
I only have one, and talking to ANYONE on the phone is a trial. My mom calls me and he gets all in my business or acts up. The doctor's office called today and I was wickedly embarrassed by him.
Business calls? NO NO NO.
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
Every time I am on the phone I have to repeatedly say, "It is mommy's turn, you need to be patient, aNd when I am done, we will do XY&Z, but usually there is a lot of screaming and I end up outside with the baby or putting DD in her room. Now, I try to make calls when I am in the car, with both of them strapped in. I do it before and after we go someplace. I also push them in the stroller to talk on the phone.
I would not try to make business calls with them.