
anyone's preschooler have a hearing test? funny story too..

So I made an appointment to have my 3 yr olds hearing tested.  While driving in the car this morning I said " Hey Aiden on Thursday we are going to go and have your hearing tested"  Aiden responds with  "What??"  yup definitely think you need your hearing tested.

so anyway does anyone know how and audiologist tests a 3yr olds hearing?  


Re: anyone's preschooler have a hearing test? funny story too..

  • Aiden had the infant test too and scored off the charts good but for quite awhile now I notice him asking what and needing to repeat my self over and over for him to understand.  Did you go in the room with Joey?  I am worried aiden will freak out if he has to do it on his own.
  • DS had one as part of qualifying for speech t herapy.

    He was 3 - wore headphones and he had to throw a block in the box whenever he heard a sound - which I assume were all at different frequencies and whatnot.

    He got a little silly at the end and would throw the block randomly, but she clearly got what she needed.

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  • Both of my DSs have had this done as part of the EI assessment.  I assume that they do it privately the same way since I recently had a hearing test at the audiologist and it was in the same booth.  I was in the booth with him (he sat on my lap) and they didn't put headphones on him.  They would issue a beep from part of the booth and if he looked in the right direction a toy would light up in that direction.  They also did this thing where they put something in his ear to see how the sound bounced back.  We had his teddy bear with us and they did it to teddy bear first, which he really liked.  The tester mentioned that she hated Elmo because he didn't have ears and it made that part hard :).  All in all, both of my very challenging DSs didn't mind it, so I'm guessing a typical child will be great with it.

     ETA: Both of my DSs were under 3 (2.5 and 18m) when they had this done, so maybe that's why no headphones?

  • DS had his hearing tested a <1 y/o and about 2.75 y/o. Both times they put him in a sound proof room on DH's lap in a chair.  They had an audiologist on the opposite side of the glass in the front of the booth and she tested tones at various volumes on both sides of them.  If he didn't respond, she had toys and lights that she could use to get his attention.  The first time we did it, he failed miserably.  The second time he passed (and could hear perfectly, but was ignoring us). 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • imagebugmommy:

    Both of my DSs have had this done as part of the EI assessment.  I assume that they do it privately the same way since I recently had a hearing test at the audiologist and it was in the same booth.  I was in the booth with him (he sat on my lap) and they didn't put headphones on him.  They would issue a beep from part of the booth and if he looked in the right direction a toy would light up in that direction.  They also did this thing where they put something in his ear to see how the sound bounced back.  We had his teddy bear with us and they did it to teddy bear first, which he really liked.  The tester mentioned that she hated Elmo because he didn't have ears and it made that part hard :).  All in all, both of my very challenging DSs didn't mind it, so I'm guessing a typical child will be great with it.

     ETA: Both of my DSs were under 3 (2.5 and 18m) when they had this done, so maybe that's why no headphones?

    This exactly when ds had his tested at 12 months.

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