My aunt annoys the crap out of me. She's one of those people who is constantly sending racist emails to everyone on her address list. (And that is the LEAST of my problems with her.)
Anyway she was in town this weekend and wanted to see DS. Not me, mind you, just my son. I was merely invited because I can drive and DS can't. Whatever. She's old and in bad health, so I decided to play nice.
The first thing she says to me is: "Well, you look better than the last time I saw you!" "You really looked like crap." I was 8 months pregnant and so swollen I could barely walk the last time she saw me. I've lost more than 100 pounds since the last time she saw me. Yeah, I would hope I look better. But still....
And does my mother stick up for me? No, she LAUGHS. I am so done with that side of my family.
Re: My annoying aunt
My aunt (mom's sister) and my IL's are my only family.
That's really effed up. You should tell her to suck it.