The SAHM's who have never worked, professionally, that is -- b/c they married into $$ and have no understanding of what it takes to be a WOHM. The ones who think tap, gymnastics, art class, etc. is the be-all, end-all of the world, and act SO exhausted because they've had to take their kids to classes all day. Or clean the house. Or make dinner.
Give me a f*cking break. SAH is hard, (right now I'm doing both -- SAH during the day & working nights -- but until recently I was strictly a WOHM so I sorta know both sides) but come on. True exhaustion is made up of much more than running carpools and parading your kids at various extracurricular activities.
Re: Mom type I can't stand **flameproof suit on**
I've never worked, but I did go to law school while splitting time w/ being a SAHM. I never thought I was tired when I was just SAH, even if we had something going on.
True exhaustion for me was going to class from 8am-8pm so I could have 3 days a week with Jackson and studying on top of that.
SAH is a vacation compared to that. Maybe because I had to do work outside of the time I was out of the house too. I don't know...
All of the above in addition to exhaustion comes from having to white glove the maid and have to remember to write her check.
This is exactly what I always wonder!
I agree. I have one SIL who has 4 kids that she SAH with and she never complains. I don't know how b/c that has GOT to be exhausting. Another SAH with 2 kids and is always complaining about everything. I get it, it's exhausting, but aren't you forgetting what a blessing it is to be able to SAH with your two young kids? And, if you hate it that much that you complain all the time, do something to make it better!
Raising hand slowly. I worked for 12 years, had a "real" career. Supported myself, bought my own house, saved for retirement, ect. SAH or even working women who have never lived on their own, at least those who don't get that they have had a huge leg up because of their situation, get on my nerves in general, kids or not.
One of my neighbors, who recently became a mom, but has been annoying me for 4 years. Moved from college in with her DH. Lives in a $750K house paid for by her lawyer DH, and her career was teaching spanish to kindergateners. Nothing wrong with that, but the judgements that come out of her mouth and the lack of understanding of other people is phenom. Doesn't seem to understand why all 30 year old people do not live the "perfect" way she does. Yes, she has her 7 month old in daycare 2X a week, but does not work. She is also super religious, which I find annoying in the ungrateful.
I'm pretty sure I am THE MOST EXHAUSTED
I'm a WOHM with a 3 year old. My DH and I work opposite shifts and therefore we single parent our child during the hours she's not at preschool. There are days between working all day and then coming home to laundry, making dinner, taking DD to dance class, that I'm just exhausted.
My sister is a SAHM with 3 kids. 3 kids with 3 very different schedules, activities, school times etc. She literally is in the car all morning dropping off at 3 different schools (one in elementary, one in jr. high and one at high school). Then she does it again in the afternoon and then it's basketball practice, soccer, art, gymnastics, doctor appointments, etc.
During the day, she works on things around the house, pays bills, helps her DH out with some of his work, plans meals and gets prepared for the evening.
Some days she's just as exhausted as us working moms!
I really hate to enter this debate, but I have to say... who/when do you think things get worked on around the house, bills paid, meals planned, etc for WOHMs? They aren't exempt from this stuff, they are doing it too.
Thank you for your comments. And btw - your attitude sucks ass too...just so you know. it may be exhausting, but in this particular case, it's a slap in the face to this woman's friends -- who would love to be able to do any ONE of the above activities with their children -- but are unable to because we all have to work for a living & didn't marry into / for $$. I'm not minimizing what people do, SAH or WOH, but to complain about how HARD it is to be able to do the things that others only wish they could, that's inconsiderate.