Molly Elizabeth was born 10/8/09 via scaheduled c-section. She was 7 lbs 4 oz and 19.5 inches. When the Dr. did the c-section, he said that her could see her through my paper thin uterus and has only had a handfull of patients like this, but he really thinks I would have ruptured with a VBAC. Apparently my case was pretty extreme and I am glad that I did not choose a VBAC! Anyway DS loves her so far and we are doing pretty good!
Sorry the pic is sideways, no time to edit!!
Re: Had my # 2- so glad didn't try VBAC
EXACTLY THIS for me as well at INOVA FFX, my OB said I was his 3rd that day he saw like that! I had a vbac planned too. So scary.
Congrats! She is a cutie. Glad everything went well.
Congrats on your new addition!
I'm so glad you had a safe delivery. My VBAC didn't pan out either. Funny how something that was so emotionally disappointing just didn't matter once I laid eyes on him
She's gorgeous.
Same here... My VBAC didn't work out and once it was all said and done I didn't care. He's here, he's healthy and I love him just the same no matter how he got out!