Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Is there a difference between Baby Aquaphor and regular?

I'd read that Aquaphor was good for diaper rash, and so I bought some.  Now I realize that there's special Baby Aquaphor.  Are they the same?  The regular Aquaphor looks pretty much like just petroleum jelly, if that helps.
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Re: Is there a difference between Baby Aquaphor and regular?

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    Supposedly, the Baby Aquaphor is a milder formula but it could also be just a marketing ploy.  Having said that, I've only used Baby Aquaphor and can't speak to the difference/similarities between the two products.
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    I don't know if there is a difference or not...I've only used the regular Aquaphor, and DD was fine with it.
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    We have both and they seem the same, as far as I can tell. Neither are very good for diaper rash though, IMO - they wouldn't clear up LO's rash but as soon as we started using Desitin, it was gone with a day.
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    We have both and they seem the same, as far as I can tell. Neither are very good for diaper rash though, IMO - they wouldn't clear up LO's rash but as soon as we started using Desitin, it was gone with a day.

    DS had an allergic reaction to wipes.  Since he is in a diaper all day his whole front area stayed red for weeks.  We put hydrocortisone on it (per pedi's orders) and it stayed red.

    We put the aquaphor on it last night and it's all ready healed!

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