Two of my cousins have had babies this past week, and invited EVERYONE to the hospital to see the baby. It's got me feeling like I was a bit of a grinch when I had DS. Maybe because we had a preemie. But honestly, before we even knew he was coming early, the only one I wanted at the hospital before, during, and after delivery, for the whole hospital stay was DH. If it wasn't so "rude" not to invite our parents to see DS after he was born, I would have loved to have them all just wait till we get home. However long that takes. And I feel the same way for when we have another baby, even if its full term. I like my privacy, space, time alone with DH and DC during this intimate time. It drove me nuts when every extended relative dropped in to see me when I was on 1 week of hospital bedrest before DS's delivery, even though they have good intentions. I mean, I'm sitting there in a hospital gown about the thickness of a cheap sheet having contractions every 10 minutes for 24 hours for over a week. Trying not to move as the contractions were brought on every time I so much as sat up. And they all want to lean in for a hug?! Haha....I sound worse than I mean to. It just doesn't seem like a time I want to share with the rest of the world.
Anyone else feel this way?
Re: Anyone not want visitors to the hospital?
With the first we were very much into our own space and such, everyone was there, but waited till the baby was born to see us. The second (our little preemie) came surprisingly but for me it was great to see my MIL and SIL who were coming to visit me on hospital bedrest and just happened to be on there way to the hospital when I went to deliver.
Once he was in the NICU no one visited unless I or my DH was there, and even then it was only very close family. Other than that, two of my friends who had been there for me during my bedrest (5weeks) also came to see him. No one held him besides DH, me, and MIL/SIL.
Both of my deliveries ended up being c/s, so it is a little different than laboring and having someone there in the room with you.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
When Hanna was in the NICU we really limited the visitors. My parents and MIL were frequent visitors. I didn't have the heart to tell them no. We didn't really allow many others.
There is one night in particular that I remember so well. We were at my parents for dinner before going up to the hospital to feed the baby at 8. Many family members arrived with the expectation that they were going to accompany us. I had a semi-private meltdown. My DH and Mom didn't know what to think because I had been so "strong" thus far. My Mom pulled some of the family members aside and explained that they couldn't go up and that they would eventually see her. I was grateful for her support. This is the first preemie in our family and while everyone was concerned they just didn't know who to handle it.