Curious which other boards the posters on here frequent?
I find that I am presumptuous that the posters on other boards are of a younger age than I am, and unfortunately it seems to bother me. I know that is silly, especially because I've only been checking in on for about a month now. But anyways, I feel more comfortable here. Like we have more in common, age wise....
Just curious if others feel the same way or if ya'll find yourselves on several other boards.
Have a good night!
Re: Other boards?
This is the only bump board I am on. I am mostly on the Nest boards: Money Matters (main board), Relationships and Family Matters. I lurk on a few others.
I guess if we ever get KU, I may try out the trimester boards.
I frequent the following boards besides this one: GP, Baby Names, Baby Showers (because I'm hosting one for a friend soon), Nursery Decor, Eco-Friendly Family.
No matter what age the posters are on those boards, I find I do have much in common with them. I don't feel the same way you do about age and I'm much older than you.
So far i'm the youngest on this board but I love these laides.
I am on all the boards, T-TTC, GP, Infertility.. ect
I'm mostly here and on Infertility. I do not post much on Infertility, though. Like you I am much more comfortable over here.
I've checked out some other boards (mostly just on thebump and babycenter), but if I feel like I'm far and away the oldest, then I sometimes don't relate to the messages, y'know? ?I like having a 35+ group to share with-- I think there are concerns & emotions that are age-related & it's nice to know other people are going thru the same things.
Of course there are lots of concerns/issues that are age-neutral, and that's great too. ?That's my 2 cents, anyway.
I'm with Panda on this one, I lurk and occasionally post on Infertility but I am so much more comfortable here. I do think it is an age thing. Sometimes I post and lurk on my local Nest board too but I am way older than anyone there!
Sometimes I wish there were more "after 35" boards on the Nest.
I am on the NOrthern California board usually and yes they are younger than me but some are my age. I dont care though, they have a lot of fantastic information in so many regards.
When I was planning my wedding I posted a lot on my local Knot board. I did find most of the girls there to be much younger than me. I really didnt like that board so much. There was a lot of silliness.
Now I post on my local board occasionally. I was on Infertility (formerly TTTC) a lot before my BFP. The girls over there were very kind and helpful. I still post there but not nearly as much.
I just started posting on Sucess after IF and pregnant after 35. Hopefully I am still preg and can still post on these boards.
I also lurk on nursery decor. I torture myself by looking at everyones beautiful nurseries. I know..... kinda pathetic. I am so jealous of these girls who spend energy and money planning beautiful nurseries. I wish that was all I had to worry about with my baby - what type of bedding to choose.