
Do you floss DC's teeth?

If so, how the hell do you do it?

Re: Do you floss DC's teeth?

  • I do but dd is fasinated by floss.  She loves it. I give her a piece to play with while I do her teeth.  Her teeth are spaced out so I think brushing gets most of it but I'm trying to get her used to flossing. 
  • Rarely, but sometimes.  Those flosser things work well with the girls.  The dentist turned me onto them and they're easier than trying to use regular floss.  Still, I'm bad about not flossing my teeth but I do try.
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  • Every.single.night!  Without fail.  First of all, my FIL is a dentist so there's a constant reminder.  Secondly, DS loves to floss.  Thirdly, his dentist told us at his first appt that his teeth are spaced close together so flossing is important on those back teeth especially.   We use the little plastic kid flosser things....they sell them in a huge pack and each one is disposable.  It makes it MUCH easier than using just a long string of floss.
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