so DH went to BRU w/ MIL to buy some things left on our registry. when they got back all MIL kept saying was "ohh you should really return the diaper genie my friend says her daughter didnt like hers" if she said it once she said it 43 million times!! besides wanting to smack her and saying then why the heck did you even buy it.. i was curious what you ladies thought about diape pails. Im not saying we have to keep the "diaper genie" but i think we need something besides a regular trash can w/ all the diapers we will be going through? (fyi we have a 2 story house and no garage to throw them in)
Re: diaper genie???
We have 2 diaper champs, one in their room and one at a changing station downstairs. They really do keep in the stink. I couldn't imagine opening the garbage when there is a poop diaper in there to throw something else out. We'd have to empty the garbage twice a day and take it outside if we didn't have a diaper pail.
I know people with Genie's and they like that it individually wraps each one as it goes in.
Keep it.
I'm not registering for one - it would be a waste for us. As it is, I throw all food items and stuff that could smell into the garbage in the garage every night. No way could I leave poop diapers in a garbage in the house for more than a day, I don't care how magical the genie is.
I was admittedly screwed up by a very anal retentive clean freak mother from early on, fyi.
I hate my diaper genie, it's so smelly! It keeps the smell in generally, except for every time you open the lid to put in a diaper, and it smells SO gross when you open the bottom to empty it when it's full. Nothing gets rid of the lingering odor either.
You're totally better off buying a trash can with a lid and using the smelly baggies, there at the dollar store 70 for $1.00.