So we have a 2 year old and one on the way. The 2 year old has required insane attention since she was born so I'm wondering if/when the independent years-yet not too stressful years hit.
Yeah I know I don't know it all but I'm not complaining, I'm just curious when the insane attention years might chill a little. 5 meals a day, 6 diapers a day, 100 puzzles, 50 books, 10 pretend to be the baby, 2 walks...ya know. I am sure I sound silly since I can look at an 8 year old and know they are easier but I'm wondering in general what ranges are the tough years... ya know?
I think I'm having a freak out moment with #2 on the way hoping #1 will get a wee bit more self sufficient someday...
Re: Are there certain years parenting is easier?