We finally told everyone we are adopting! It feels so good!!
I don't know why I have been waiting, I guess because we hadn't had our meeting yet with the agency to 100% solidify things, but now that we're doing the app and all that stuff it feels more real!
I'm so happy to have it out!
Re: We are out of the closet!
IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010
March 2015- Chemical pg
1/25/16- BFP Beta1 12dpo = 17, Beta 2 14 dpo = 28.. resulted in one beautiful boy born 9/21/16
Now I'm a stay at home loving life and pursuing my love of photography!!!
congrats on coming out of the closet!! :-)
Brighton is getting so big!!! What a great smile!!! :-)
that is awesome! Congrats.
Oh! And i love your new photo. Too stinking cute.