
Nail Polish and lipstick questions.

What colors are in? What colors do you wear?
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Re: Nail Polish and lipstick questions.

  • Nailpolish, I wear whatever I like.  For lips, I am usually in a berry/plum color.
  • Nails: usually a light pink but I'm really into the new matte gray I found at Sephora

    Lips: Burts Bees tinted lipgloss (Rhubarb)

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  • For nail polish dark metallics are in.  I always have french manicured finger nails and red toe nails though.

    I'm not sure what's "in" for lipstick right now, but I just bought MAC Viva Glam VI and am in Loooooooooooove.


  • No idea and none.  I sometimes wear a tinted lip gloss.
  • I read for nail polish Navy Blue.  I just bought some and love it.  I got lots of compliments.  Another "in" color is a greyish purple.  I haven't seen one I like.  I think I saw it in Glamour. 
  • In the winter, I wear Mary Kay sweet nectar lip color, gold rush lip gloss, and the neutral llip liner.  My nails I keep a mauve color - right now it's Sephora's "And He Said..."

    In summer, I'm all about the pink!!

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